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AI in scientific reporting: NASW’s position statement


  • NASW sets out its position on the use of AI, highlighting the importance of human writers and editors and the need for transparency.
  • NASW calls for members to follow these principles and for us all to remain vigilant in the use of AI to maintain integrity and accuracy in scientific reporting.

In the wake of organisations such as the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP) and Nature setting out their stance on the use of AI in medical publishing, the National Association of Science Writers (NASW) have now released their position statement on the use of generative AI tools.

Who are NASW?

NASW is a community of people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology. At the forefront of NASW’s operating principles is their aim to “foster the dissemination of accurate information regarding science through all media normally devoted to informing the public”.

What is NASW’s position on AI?

In NASW’s statement, they highlight some of the current concerns around AI tools replacing human writers, including the potential for:

In light of these concerns, NASW go on to make the following commitments and recommend that members:

  • do not use generative AI tools to replace human writers and editors
  • do not support publication of content generated entirely by AI, without human input and oversight
  • do not use AI-generated images, except under very particular conditions and with safeguards in place
  • maintain transparency about the use of AI systems
  • support media unions in demanding worker protections and input into AI use.

What can you do?

NASW call on us all to “remain vigilant so that readers and writers alike can clearly distinguish between human- and algorithm-generated content”.

We must remain vigilant so that readers and writers alike can clearly distinguish between human- and algorithm-generated content.


What do you think – should we all be following the NASW guidelines to protect writers and the public from the potential pitfalls of AI?

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